Wall Chasers · Macroza
Wall Chasers design for Macroza.
More than 50 years of history can only be written with quality, guarantee and commitment. Our client Macroza is a world reference in the manufacture of professional machines doing regattas for channeling facilities.
Ozestudi has been working with them for more than a decade.

We have worked in the industrial design of most of their latest models, such as the M90, M95, SC200 and the recent SC300.
We’ve offered very complete design projects ranging from the formal, structural, ergonomic and functional solutions of the machines to the most innovative and precise technical and mechanical solutions. Optimized industrialization has always been the first point, which has led to improving quality, making the processes involved in the manufacture easier, and improving costs.

From the point of view of industrial design, the complexity of this project and product type lies mainly in the fact that they are highly precise tools that are really adjusted to give maximum efficiency to the mechanical and physical performance. In this sense, maximum concentration and rigor are required because any small detail can affect the performance and functionality of these powerful construction tools.
Materials are selected. Highly resistant and as light as possible, such as Injected Aluminum and PA with fiberglass loads, they have been improved model by model and element by element. Always keeping in mind the comfort of usage and work performance.
Mainly made of aluminum and PA with fiberglass, Macroza wall chasers are manufactured in series to be assembled and adjusted in an almost artisan way so that each of the machines manufactured are fully controlled and tell us about a whole top quality company.
Results are sincere; they are the consequence of the solutions applied and need to get away from any formal pretense or speculation. There is no doubt that, as designers, we feel comfortable with the approaches that propose durable and resistant products: Wall chasers for users, designed and made to last beyond fads and trends.